I spend a lot of time with men and women who are in dating relationships and who spend a lot of time on many a discreet dating site. Once a new dating relationship begins, I usually cut to the chase and find out if they have any boundaries in mind for the physical part of…
All posts in millennials
Is a Boring Story Worth Telling?
Donald Miller says that a story is about a character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it. He said this in his book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. The context for this is that he was making a movie about his life, but his actual life had to be altered so…
A Marriage Problem
Since my marriage began six years ago I’ve had a number of friends lose theirs. Some by choice. Others were told that the marriage was over by their now former spouse with the help of family law lawyers. After the first three friends I stopped counting. It broke my heart and I didn’t like telling…
Gaining Respect as a Younger Leader
Earlier this week I wrote the first of two posts for younger leaders. The first one explores how to gain leadership skills when no one is giving you leadership opportunities. — After Tuesday’s post I think we need to take the next step. At some point—especially if you focus on earning them instead of waiting…
Becoming a Leader When No One Lets You Lead
Today and Thursday I’m going to be posting on the subject of leadership, specifically with younger leaders in mind. I find that younger leaders often feel passed over, discounted, and disrespected. Because of this many younger leaders never come to realize that they are leaders and their potential to influence our world for Christ is…
Finding Contentment While Dreaming of the Future
My book giveaway is still going on today. More info here. Some words for Ash Wednesday My brother is a freshman in college with aspirations of getting into law school, and ultimately becoming a lawyer who, “makes lots of money,” as he says. While he was home over Christmas break I made sure to inform…