This post is a part of the Sovereignty of God Blog Series going on throughout the months of July and August. You can read about the series and see a schedule of the posts here. You can subscribe to all the posts here. — Today’s post is from Jake Belder. Jake is studying at Reformed…
All posts in seminary
Sovereignty // Justin Wise
This post is a part of the Sovereignty of God Blog Series going on throughout the months of July and August. You can read about the series and see a schedule of the posts here. You can subscribe to all the posts here. — Today’s post is from Justin Wise. You can find Justin on…
Sovereignty // Kurt Brandemihl
This post is a part of the Sovereignty of God Blog Series going on throughout the months of July and August. You can read about the series and see a schedule of the posts here. You can subscribe to all the posts here. — Today’s post is from Kurt Brandemihl. Kurt lives in Portland, Oregon…
Sovereignty // Adam Walker Cleaveland
This post is a part of the Sovereignty of God Blog Series going on throughout the months of July and August. You can read about the series and see a schedule of the posts here. You can subscribe to all the posts here. — Today’s post is from Adam Walker Cleaveland. Adam is a full-time…
Sovereignty // Eugene Cho
This post is a part of the Sovereignty of God Blog Series going on throughout the months of July and August. You can read about the series and see a schedule of the posts here. You can subscribe to all the posts here. — Today’s post is from Eugene Cho. Eugene is the executive director…
The Emotional Charge of The Bible
During this past semester of school one quote has stood out to me above all the rest: “Do not expect always to get an emotional charge or a feeling of quiet peace when you read the Bible. By the grace of God you may expect that to be a frequent experience, but often you will…