In Paul’s list of the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 one fruit is clearly overlooked compared to the others: self-control. Though looking through the self-help section of the book store shows how in vogue focus on self-control is, godly self-control has little to do with the self-advancement of a self-help book or it wouldn’t be…
All posts in theology
The Ultimate Goal of Life
What would you say the ultimate goal of life is? What would our society say the ultimate goal of life is? I think the obvious answer is happiness. A recent Barna survey revealed that 67% of church-going Christians believe “enjoying yourself is the highest goal of life.” Thankfully that percentage is lower than the 84%…
Called Out Episode 016: Hannah Anderson
How do you determine what’s good? In our day of fake news and biased media and endless marketing ploys, deciding what to buy into is getting more difficult all the time. On this episode of Called Out, hear from Hannah Anderson as she walks us through how we can know whether something is true, noble, right, pure,…
Called Out Episode 015: Kyle Strobel on Jonathan Edwards
We cannot avoid the mistakes of the past without learning from those who have gone before us. Listen to Kyle Strobel share about why he’s devoted much of his life to studying the work of Jonathan Edwards, and what we can learn from him. Though Edwards is most known from his mid-1700s sermon titled “Sinners…
Called Out Episode 014: #Fail
You know you fear failure if your motivation to avoid failure exceeds your motivation for success. This is the crippling reality many face today because past failure has led them to believe they are failures entirely, and the grip of shame from failure never relents. Though failure is a reality in life for everyone, few…
Called Out Episode 011: Justin Zoradi
I firmly believe that even the most selfish person has a deep desire to make a difference in the lives of people around them. But most of us feel overwhelmed by that thought, incapable of knowing what tangible thing we could do to show love and care to people and communities. In the place of…