How Much Must I Give of Myself?

Today’s post from C.S. Lewis is part of the blog series Discipleship: Re-Imagining Our Calling From Christ. To receive future posts from the series in your inbox head HERE. Engage with the writers and community of readers using the hashtag #DiscipleshipBlog. — The ordinary idea which we all have before we become Christians is this. We take as the starting…

Intentional Discipleship

Today’s post from Renee Fisher is part of the blog series Discipleship: Re-Imagining Our Calling From Christ. To receive future posts from the series in your inbox head HERE. Engage with the writers and community of readers using the hashtag #DiscipleshipBlog. — When I think of the word discipleship I think of other churchy words like Sunday School, Bible study, church,…

Discipleship in the Life Advice Age

Today’s post from Jeff Patterson is part of the blog series Discipleship: Re-Imagining Our Calling From Christ. To receive future posts from the series in your inbox head HERE. Engage with the writers and community of readers using the hashtag #DiscipleshipBlog. — Plant your hope with good seeds. —Mumford & Sons, “Thistles & Weeds” Life advice is the currency of our…

Disciple is a Verb? 3 Insights for Clueless Folks Like Me

Today’s post from Kari Patterson is part of the blog series Discipleship: Re-Imagining Our Calling From Christ. To receive future posts from the series in your inbox head HERE. Engage with the writers and community of readers using the hashtag #DiscipleshipBlog. — I was 18 when I first heard “disciple” used as a verb.  It baffled me at first, but I…

How to Disciple When You Get Out of Bed

Today’s post from Lore Ferguson is part of the blog series Discipleship: Re-Imagining Our Calling From Christ. To receive future posts from the series in your inbox head HERE. Engage with the writers and community of readers using the hashtag #DiscipleshipBlog. — A few years ago I decided that unless I were to craft for myself a creed of sorts during…