
If you do any blog reading you have probably come across a fair share of “disclaimers”. They basically say…”the things written on this blog are my own views and thoughts…they do not reflect the views of my (church, school, family, business…etc).” For a while I kept a nice little disclaimer in the “about” section of…

True Love-Phil Wickham

True Love is one of my favorite songs right now. It is by Phil Wickham. Rose, Janet, and I went and saw him record a live, acoustic, worship album tonight. First off, the worship concert was awesome. Phil played his stuff and mixed it in with some well known hymns. He is one of maybe…

Another New Look

I get bored easily and hate it when I see the same layout I use on other blogs. So…I decided to go with a new layout and colors for my blog. Feeders-come over, let me know what you think. I promise not to make it a habit of changing the look every 3 months.

Who Are You?

Well I’ve been blogging since last September and I’m going to guess that I don’t even know more than half of the people that read this. So it is time to come on out from hiding. I want to know who YOU are. Name Where You Live How You Know Me/Found My Blog You can…

Meeting Blog Friends

Today Rose and I had the joy and fun of meeting the Hodges. They are from Southern Oregon and we found each other through blogging. We have quite a bit in common by both being involved in church ministry and with worship ministry specifically. They are known in the blog world as inWorship and inProgress.…