Right or Left

It seems to me that the press is starting to catch on to this thing called the postmodern generation and the emerging church. I want you to see this great video by NBC News. I have at least 3 times as many friends who will vote for a democrat (likely Obama) and not a republican.…

Church Politics .2 of 3

#2 Why Politics Exist in Churches… 1. I think this is partly because people are passionate about their beliefs. Churches have to be able to make decisions and this can create politics. People accept Jesus and one of the after effects is that they are going to be convicted about different things they are doing…

God Tube

There is a very popular new website. You can find it at godtube.com. It is just a Christian YouTube. There is nothing much else that they do that youtube does not other than that they monitor their content so that it has some sort of Christian purpose. There are a lot of positives with this.…

Church Politics .1 of 3

My life whole I’ve heard people say the reason they don’t go to church is because of church politics. Christians will use it as a reason for why they don’t attend a church and non Christians use it for why they don’t want to. Even people who do go to church complain about church politics.…


Tonight on SportsCenter they had a showcase on Jim Jones, one of the most infamous men in US History. I have to admit that I had never heard of him. It isn’t common for history classes to teach modern religion history is my only excuse. I consider myself a person who knows a fair amount…

In But Not Of .2

We began a discussion on how to be in the world but not of the world…now we’ll continue. I like to consider myself an introvert with extrovert qualities. My wife is definitely an extrovert through and through. Evangelism/friendship/shooting the breeze all come so easy for her and for me it always feels so difficult. I’ve…