Make Disciples

I’ve been studying ecclesiology (“the nature of Christ’s church”) in theology class the past few weeks. We were looking at The Great Commission and talking about some distinctions that often go over-looked. The disciples are told to do one thing, with three things that encompass the one thing. Matthew 28:19-20: Therefore go and make disciples…

Postmoderns in Church .3 of 3

This is the last in a series of three different distinctives that separate how postmoderns view faith and church from their predecessors. 3. Freedom from Foundationalism Definition of foundationalism- the theory that at the bottom of all human knowledge is a set of internally justified beliefs. This foundation does not require external justification. Basic Meaning-…

I Disagree

I read two things today that really got my attention. One has to do with Tony Jones, someone I have talked a little bit about before. The other has to do with Barack Obama. Tony Jones did an interview with someone who completely disagrees with most everything Tony stands for. This I commend Tony for,…

Big News?

The talk today on so many blogs has been about this new survey that came out today saying that more people than ever are leaving their faith from childhood. Beyond this, Protestant Christianity is barely the #1 religion of choice right now. Another survey out of UCLA says that college students are more likely to…

Extreme Grace

A Christian buzz word I’ve heard a lot of is “extreme grace.” Yeah ok, it is 2 words. I know that. But the phrase is used all the time. Whenever someone who was in jail, is a prostitute, or was addicted to drugs, accepts Jesus, people call this extreme grace. Whenever a 12 year old,…