“I have no need for friendship; friendship causes pain. Its laughter and its loving I disdain. I am a rock. I am an island.” -Simon and Garfunkle — I recently shared to the youth at my church about how I believed I could tell them what they would be like in 5 years if I knew…
All posts tagged influence

4 Restraints Holding You Back From Inner Transformation
As I approached a busy season in life a wise man told me that I needed to cultivate the kind of soil God could use to work on my soul. It was his opinion that strong external living only comes from a place of internal fortitude and cultivation. Over the past few years I’ve been…
Don’t Wait till 30 to Change the World
20-somethings are making an incredible impact in our culture at a rate unlike any time in modern history. The internet has opened the door for anyone of any age to forge their own path. Just look at this short list of 20-somethings who started something in their 20s that changed the world: At the age…