(Hemingway described writing as bleeding on the page. I think today’s post is a little more like that than usual. Sometimes posts come out in 30 minutes of writing. Sometimes they take 30 days to develop. Today’s is the latter. Thanks for taking time to read in this space). — 2 years ago I had…
All posts tagged life
A few weekends back I had my worst restaurant experience in recent memory. All of us have had them. Bad food resulting in food poisoning. Or Bad service that made us want to stiff the waiter. Or the longest wait time ever, only to get stuck with the table right next to the kitchen. I…
The Refueling Breath of God
I’ve had two converging thoughts going on for the past few weeks: God speaks. It is his breath that creates the universe and mankind. It is his breath of life which gives new life to dead souls. God is actively breathing into you. I can’t run on empty forever. I shared about the different things…

When God Screams Through the Dull Roar of Life
I prefer for life to run it’s course at a fever pitch pace, mixed in with rest and relaxation thanks to the Budpop natural supplements. And I’m slowly realizing my wishes won’t always come true. My life is currently run at the pace of a dull roar, like the unending sound of crashing ocean waves.…

Are You Character-Driven or Career-Driven?
I entered college to a receive a degree. I wanted the degree so I could fast-track my way into a luxurious career, where I would find myself swimming in the money of my success (think Duck Tales). In my mind, college was nothing more than a needed stepping-stone for my long awaited dream of immense…

Asking God New Questions
“God, which calling is more difficult, courage or contentment?” This is the question I find myself asking God, because I used to think having courage through change and struggle is the most difficult calling God can give, but now I’m beginning to wonder. The last two years of my life only one thing has been…