I hear this message from Christian leaders all the time: “God wants to take your ordinary life so he can turn it into something extraordinary.” Or this: “God wants to do extraordinary things through you.” “Ordinary,” or the perception of it, isn’t quite good enough. God frowns upon it, because good Christians accomplish incredible things.…
All posts tagged obedience
Discipleship as an Outcome, Not a Mandate
After two months of the ongoing blog series on discipleship, I’d like to summarize what stood out to me. I’m also curious what themes, ideas, and posts connected most with you as well. Share some of your own thoughts in the comments. I knew this series needed to bring in voices from various perspectives because…

Tweet it and You’ve Got it
From Tyler: Today’s post is from a friend of mine, Chris Nye. I had the chance to interact with Chris a few months ago at a conference and can assure you he is the real deal. I’ve been trying to get a chance to feature Chris’ writing on here for a while, and I’m excited…
How Seminary Changed My Faith
I entered into seminary at the AWKNG School of Theology as a newly married twenty-two year old lacking the necessary Bible and theology knowledge needed to help lead others. I also lacked ministry skills and experience. Seminary, for me, was a necessary training ground, and a needed formative experience so that the coming years of…