Research and analysis done by many psychologists shows that humans get an itch for significant change every 7 to 10 years. Some believe part is this is related to how our cells regenerate every 7 years. We change half of our main friendships every 7 years. Obviously all this is a bit subjective, but based…
All posts tagged pastor
The Three :: Pastor Edition
1. Bob Hyatt is a pastor in the Portland area and also a contributor for the Out of Ur blog on This week he wrote a post that I believe all pastors and Christian leaders must read. I don’t throw it out there as someone beyond the problem he raises, but as someone who…
Married to Ministry #MarriageMinistry
This post is a part of a series Rob Rash has organized titled #MarriageMinistry focused on how to navigate being married while being in vocational church ministry. It was a Tuesday evening. 5pm. I walk in the house through the garage door and enter into the kitchen to find my wonderful wife slaving away in…
So You Want a Job at a Church?
In May of 2007 I quit my first job out of college and made the decision to pursue a life in church ministry instead of financial planning. It was a big decision because I had spent the previous 4 years getting a degree that prepared me for a life in financial planning. But within a…
The Conference Pastor
Ever taken a look at the typical speaker list for most Christian conferences put on nationwide? Just about every pastor leads a church of over 5,000 people and has written at least one best-selling book. I recently had a conversation about how church conferences could easily make a pastor feel completely inadequate. 99% of pastors…