This past Monday night my wife Rose and I went on our first date since our little girl was born, back in January. Yikes, too long. That’s not the point of this though. At some point in the conversation she asked me: “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Rose had an interview last…
All posts tagged relationships
“See You Next Sunday!”
As a pastor I focus a consistent amount of my time toward connecting the unconnected, and then deepening the connected, within the church body. I want to focus on the first piece of this today (connecting the unconnected), and specifically I have in mind people who are new to the Christian faith, or new to…
The Danger of Recognition
I follow over 1,000 people on Twitter, and a good amount of those people I would describe as friends. Sure, we’ve likely never met face to face, but I put enough effort to engage conversations with them, that I sense that I know them. I could pick them out of a crowd, and sit down…
Who You’re Becoming Isn’t Your Decision
“I have no need for friendship; friendship causes pain. Its laughter and its loving I disdain. I am a rock. I am an island.” -Simon and Garfunkle — I recently shared to the youth at my church about how I believed I could tell them what they would be like in 5 years if I knew…
3 Reasons You Should Keep Your Job
Over the past few years much has been made of quitting your job. Whether you hate the grind of 9 to 5, or 8 to 5, or you just hate that you aren’t your own boss, there’s an overwhelming amount of material available that encourages you to quit your job so you can do the…

Connecting Churches with the People Who Need Them Most
From Tyler: Today’s post is from a great friend of mine, Ross Gale. Ross and I have been friends since we were teenagers. We used to play ping pong with our shirts off, because when you play like we do, you get sweaty. Surprising no one, we’re still just as immature today. Truth be told,…