I find it so easy to give into a life less than what God desires. I hone in on my own needs and my own agenda for life at the denial of noticing everything else going on around me. And this inclination of mine is an example of why so few of us are living…
All posts tagged significance
Is Life About You or Others?
A fairly common message in Christian circles today is captured in this statement: Life is not a story about you. In principle, I fully agree with this. I am an inherently selfish person who worries first about my own needs and desires, before I think about others. But here’s the problem… Life is about you.…
Sign Posts in a Strange Land
I believe calling to be integral to God’s mission in our world. It’s commonplace in our world to go through our entire lives waiting for circumstances to come to us, rather than pursuing them ourselves. And this is largely because we’ve ignored discerning God’s calling on our lives. We live in strange times. America is…
Are You Fully Alive?
I believe all of us are searching for significance in our lives. We all want to be known and know others. We all want to be loved and accepted. And on some level, we all want to make a difference with our lives. Everywhere I look I see people on the search for significance, coming…
The Death of Christian Leadership
Not long ago I was playing a round of golf with my dad, who has been a pastor my entire life. Somehow, in a weird set of a circumstances, God called me to the same life of a minister, despite my strong desire to avoid such a thing happening all of my growing up years.…