I’ve been leading worship for about a decade on a week to week basis. Over half of that time the worship leading has been part of my vocation and calling as a pastor. During this time of leadership I have advocated for and led what are often called contemporary worship songs. I often think of it…
All posts tagged sunday
The 2 Ways to Produce Change in Others
As a pastor I do a lot of studying on communication, and how to be most effective with the Sunday morning sermon during our weekly worship gatherings. Thousands of books have been written on how to form a sermon, how to deliver a sermon, how to produce change in others, etc. Clearly the role of…

The Big and Subtle Truth
It was 830pm on a Sunday night a few months back. I had been on the stage leading the band/vocals/tech for over 10 hours that day already. I was flat out exhausted. The kind of exhausted where a caffeine boost would do no good. The kind of exhausted where my eyes were starting to glaze…