I’ve blogged plenty of times already about the night of worship we had last Friday night at Sunset. Elaine Heasley is the wife of one of our singers, Seth. She took some awesome pictures. Here are some of my favorites. We have had quite a bit of positive feedback. I love being at a presbyterian…
All posts tagged Sunset
Why is Life So Hard?
We are through 2 weeks of a 3 week series by Barbara Feil on: “Why is Life So Hard”? I’ve found the series to be poignant for many people within our congregation. She has based a lot of the series around a book named Writing on the Wall. Based around this idea we’ve had “bumpers”…
Live Music in Portland
If you live in Portland (or close to it) I’d love to have you come out for a night of worship at Sunset on Friday night August 1st. The worship department and I have been planning for this for a while and I’m getting excited that it is so close. I know many of you…
Sunday Rundown 7.13.08.
Sunday was a first. For those of you who do not know, at Sunset (where I work and serve) we have two different types of services. Most of you would say that one is traditional, and one is contemporary. I think it goes a lot deeper than that, but I won’t fight you on it.…
Breaking the Barrier
Easily the most difficult part of my job is trying to bridge the gap between stage and congregation. Having a large sanctuary (holds 2,500 when it’s finished) makes this more difficult. Anytime you have that many seats it immediately makes you feel disengaged from what is happening on stage. So I struggle constantly with how…
The Boss
I want to highlight someone who has only been a part of my life for the past 8 months. Her name is Janet Fraser (the picture is of Janet, Jay, and me at Willow Creek), and many of you who read this blog, know her. Many of you, however, don’t. In many ways Janet is…