1. My friend (and former co-worker/boss) John Sowers recently won the White House Champions of Change award. It truly couldn’t have been given to a better individual so consistently caring for people in need. Here’s a piece of the article the White House blog ran about John receiving the award: We believe that we win…
All posts tagged the three
Stirring Within Me
During the past five years of seminary one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is the value of consistently working day in and day out in order to get ahead. Developing the discipline to clock in and out every day will always translate into the future as demands on life increase. Developing the discipline to…
The Three: Writing Edition
1. A couple weeks back I wrote a guest post for Jeff Goins on how I found the time to write a book in the midst of everything else I had going on in life. It’s the thing #1 people asked me while I was writing the manuscript, and honestly I even surprised myself by…
The Three
1. The Wall Street Journal ran a story on a small study done on Facebook and marriages. And when I say marriages, I mean marriages that fail. The story was instantly adopted by several Christian leaders who I respect as the prime example why we must be careful when engaging in online media. While I…
The Three
1. Margaret Feinberg wrote on the Catalyst blog about various techniques that have been used by pastors for many years to help overcome burning out. I found the post to be a great encouragement and reminder that avoiding burnout is my responsibility and it takes establishing a well thought out system of disciplines that keep…
The Three
1. One of the themes I worked on for the first few chapters in the book was how valuing authenticity and brokenness in the church leads toward a comfort with sin. It’s difficult for people (at least it was for me) to understand what I have to be broken about if I don’t have a…