Applying the Bible .2

Yesterday we looked at 5 (and more in the comments) mistakes that are made when trying to apply the Bible to our lives. Applying the Bible isn’t an easy thing to do. It is quite easy to take things out of context, or to over-simplify what the text is really saying. Today I want to…

The Word of God?

Also see: Applying the Bible to our lives Loved a lot of your responses on my question. This question of what makes the Bible the Word of God is a complex one. Many books have been written on the subject, so I certainly won’t be exhaustive in my answer. Jumping on my soapbox… I dare…

Rob Bell: Differing Views .2

Here is what I had originally started writing several weeks ago to support my opinion on Rob Bell (a lot has already been said in yesterday’s post): First off. I have a lot of respect for Rob Bell and his ministry through books, videos, tours, and mostly his church. He has a strong desire to…

Rob Bell: Differing Views

Over the past week, Ashley (a reader of this blog) and I have been exchanging emails about Rob Bell, pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He probably doesn’t even need that kind of introduction, I have no doubt that you know who he is. She read my post on how to…

McLaren Shook Me Up

Be sure to check out my travel partners Jay and Janet. They are both blogging on our trip and are a lot of fun to hang out with as well. I have not been quiet about my questions when it comes to Emergent and with Brian McLaren. Heading to Chicago I knew I was going…

Christ and Culture .2

Check out yesterday’s post here. It sets up everything that today’s is about. Within the comments on a similar post at Jesus Creed I found some great thoughts within the discussion of which one of the 5 views most reflects Christ’s action with culture. Matt Edwards said: At first, I was drawn to Christ the…