I fully admit that I use social media far too often. I joined Facebook back in the days of college exclusivity. I joined Twitter before Oprah joined and it blew up. And since then I’ve continued to pour hours and hours into the ongoing boom that is social networks. I’ve even made what I consider…
All posts tagged twitter

Tweet it and You’ve Got it
From Tyler: Today’s post is from a friend of mine, Chris Nye. I had the chance to interact with Chris a few months ago at a conference and can assure you he is the real deal. I’ve been trying to get a chance to feature Chris’ writing on here for a while, and I’m excited…
Timeline of Holy Week Reflections
Over this entire week I’ve been posting reflections following the timeline of Holy Week. I thought I’d share a full compilation of those reflections for you to engage with. Here’s a resource I used to figure out what happened on what days according to the Gospel accounts in the Bible. click here to download the…
2 Ways Social Media is Changing the Christian Faith
From Tyler: Today’s post is from Jonathan Pearson, a guy I’ve engaged with via social media and blogging a lot over the past year. Jonathan has a passion for understanding and engaging the Millennial generation, and he’s also a great writer. I’m so glad to have him be sharing on this blog today. If you’re…
7 Lessons I Learned On My 7 Day Fast From Social Media
I’ve never been one to take breaks from anything. I value discipline and consistency in just about all areas of life. I read everyday. I run 3x a week. I go to bed and wake up at almost the same time everyday. When I pack myself a lunch it usually has the same things I…
Tell the Best Story
I noticed something the other day. It went something like this, “My name is _____ _____ and I’m a blogger/pastor/leader of 20-somethings (pick any age group you like), looking to change the world for Jesus Christ and His glory.” If I had a dime for every time I read that as a bio on someone’s…