I haven’t done a “worship confessional” in a long, long time so I figure I’m due. This morning was great. My buddy from high school, Matt, finally came to church, my grandparents from Nebraska and my 2 youngest siblings came as well. It was weird to look out into the crowd and see people I…
All posts tagged worship
In A Rut
I find it easy to get into ruts of doing the same thing all the time. I get this way with my school work, my relationship with Rose, and with my free time. I also think this happens with worship teams at churches all the time, Sunset’s included. We play the same style of song,…
Tribute to Chris Tomlin
I watched the Dove Awards a few weeks ago. For those who do not know, they are basically the Grammys for Christian music. Back when I was 17, I had just started to learn to play acoustic guitar and I was leading worship for my youth group. I had purchased Chris Tomlin’s first cd which…
Worship Artist and/or Leader
This past week Spence Smith wrote a great blog titled “Worship Artist vs. Worship Leader.” He has a lot of inside perspective, and knows a lot of people who are one or the other. Some of Spence’s mains points were: Being an artist is a lot of pressure and work. Not all Christian bands or…
Weekend Away
Rose and I headed south this weekend. Spent last night at my parents and will tonight as well. We also led worship at our old church, which is also where my dad is a pastor. It was great to see some old friends, fellow worshipers, and some bloggers as well (Miranda and Randy). Here is…
Never Again
Following yesterday’s post on the best worship songs right now. I want to know what is the one song you would love to NEVER ever hear again in church. I know any song can sound good if done well, but I’m sure you have at least one that you never want to hear again. For…