The Generational Gap

In class on Monday we had a short conversation about freedom in worship. In general I would say that youth in church today are more physically expressive in their worship than previous generations. Part of me wants to call some of this a spiritual maturity issue but many in my class shared that they simply…

Seeker Sensitive

Last Monday I gave a presentation in my Principles and Practices of Worship class on “seeker sensitive churches/worship services.” You can download the power point presentation by going here: Seeker Sensitive Powerpoint Presentation I would define a seeker sensitive church this way: Using the weekend services to reach the unchurched through high quality music, media,…

Freedom in Worship

Over the weekend I went back and forth as to whether I should share something that was on my heart during Sunset’s services on Sunday or not. In the end I decided to only share it in the 11 because it tied in very well with the first 2 songs. Here is basically what I…

Worship As a Lifestyle .1

On Sunday night Jay and I spoke at Sunset’s high school group (Overflow). It was the first time I spoke any sort of message in front of a larger group. And I actually really enjoyed it. We centered our time around leading worship and the spiritual discipline of worship, while making the talking points more…