Over the next couple weeks I am going to post my theology of worship, as it stands right now (in several posts). As with many theological positions, I tend to shift my perspective as time moves on. So don’t take these posts as Gospel or even as the correct way to view worship. I’m merely…
All posts tagged worship
The Generational Gap
In class on Monday we had a short conversation about freedom in worship. In general I would say that youth in church today are more physically expressive in their worship than previous generations. Part of me wants to call some of this a spiritual maturity issue but many in my class shared that they simply…
Seeker Sensitive
Last Monday I gave a presentation in my Principles and Practices of Worship class on “seeker sensitive churches/worship services.” You can download the power point presentation by going here: Seeker Sensitive Powerpoint Presentation I would define a seeker sensitive church this way: Using the weekend services to reach the unchurched through high quality music, media,…
Freedom in Worship
Over the weekend I went back and forth as to whether I should share something that was on my heart during Sunset’s services on Sunday or not. In the end I decided to only share it in the 11 because it tied in very well with the first 2 songs. Here is basically what I…
Sunday Rundown // 9.6.09
Earlier today I led worship in both of our morning services at Sunset. It was my first weekend back off after my first two week break from the stage in over a year. I also got to have Rose up on the stage with me for the first time in a while. I love singing…
Worship As a Lifestyle .1
On Sunday night Jay and I spoke at Sunset’s high school group (Overflow). It was the first time I spoke any sort of message in front of a larger group. And I actually really enjoyed it. We centered our time around leading worship and the spiritual discipline of worship, while making the talking points more…