4 Ways to Practice Holistic Worship

You might remember my challenge to worship leaders that I posted a week ago. Go to most any church and a perception can become that worship=singing and clearly singing is not the only way to worship God. Worship pastors spend a lot of time speaking about worship being a lifestyle and then go on to…

A Challenge to Worship Leaders

How many times have you heard ‘worship is not just singing’? If you are anything like me, you have heard that phrase a lot. And it is absolutely spot on. Singing is merely an expression of the worship we desire to give God. Yet I think the American church is communicating a very different message.…


I don’t have enough fingers on my hands to tell you how many people I know that have left a church because of the music. Too loud, too quiet, not enough hymns, not passionate enough, too fake…you name it, I’ve heard it. My unofficial opinion is that the number one reason people leave a church…

Bad Lyrics

Yesterday was a post focused around modern worship music being played too loudly in churches. Today I’ll focus on a blog post written by John Stackhouse (same guy who inspired yesterday’s post). It seems that John would not only describe modern worship music as loud but also as being written with bad lyrics. And to…

Loud Music

Loud music and bad lyrics. I think that is how John Stackhouse would describe today’s worship music being played in churches. I recently came across an article he wrote for Christianity Today about the problem with loud music in churches. You can read that article HERE. I’ve done my best to try and be even…


I am a man of many opinions. In many, many ways this is a bad thing. Figuring out when to share my opinion and when to keep my cards near my chest is not an easy thing to do. So today I’m not going to share my opinion. But I do have a question. A…