How to Survive in Alaska

Well I thought I’d have time to finish my paper on the Bible being God’s Word today, but it didn’t happen. So that post will have to come tomorrow, God willing. Now for something a little lighter. By the way…do you like the new header on the blog?

If you ever intend on doing some sort of adventurous trip into wild Alaska you will need to learn how to either kill a large animal or fish. If you learn to fish you will need to learn how to kill the fish after catching it. After killing it you will need to learn how to clean it as Rose so eloquently showed us HERE. Today is about how to kill a salmon.

Courtesy of Gary Sinnhuber…my father in law, and the owner/lead guide for Silverfin Guide Service on the lower Kenai Peninsula.

Believe me, if you can’t handle a little blood then you don’t want to watch this.

(Video embedded RSS readers)


How awesome was that?