Worship as a Lifestyle .2

We often talk about worship being a lifestyle and yet living that out often becomes quite hit and miss. Somehow there is a disconnect between our emotional worship experiences with our church congregations every weekend and how we connect with God throughout the week.

I want to explore some of the ‘why’ behind this disconnect. As I thought through this (a real problem in my own life) a few distinct things immediately came to mind. Here is another (the first one is here):

  • Too often we lack any day to day relationship or connection with God, but we show up to church on Sunday and expect a deep moment with Him.

Think about the pressure we put on the band/vocalists/worship leader every weekend. People come from all walks of life, and many have not opened their Bibles, prayed, thought about God, etc…all week.

Yet people come every weekend wanting a deep connection with God that will jump start them. So we blame the worship leader and the speaker when that connection never happens even though there is a limited relationship with God to begin with.

I often think of this in a certain way: if I spent an hour a week of meaningful time with my wife there is absolutely no way our marriage would last. However, most of us never give God a quality hour in our weeks. So we show up on Sunday hoping the church can facilitate some jump start in our relationship with God. God wants our worship every moment of everyday, not just an hour on Sunday.

Most often, the problem isn’t our church gatherings, it is our own relationships with Christ.