Fortuitous Bouncing

Well we made it through (almost) the hottest weather Portland has seen since 1981 and we did it without a/c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were downright miserable. It never got below 72 those days, so we could never cool our apartment down. I love the summer heat, but living in a sauna is not much fun.


  1. A 16 year old kid started a blog about his desire to train for and win the Tour de France. He is hoping that he will get enough traffic on his blog to raise money to buy a bike and start entering races.
  2. This church is doing a lot more than just talking about being radical.
  3. Why fixing your website won’t fix your church ministry.
  4. Loved this piece titled “Coming Out of the Judgmental Closet.”
  5. This is a hard quote to read.
  6. John Piper on why there are no perfect pastors.
  7. Jonathan Brink has some good thoughts on the kingdom vs. the church.


I’m going to watch a satelite broadcast of The Leadership Summit in East Portland. How many of you are either going to Chicago or watching the satelite broadcast?