Stirring Within Me

During the past five years of seminary one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is the value of consistently working day in and day out in order to get ahead. Developing the discipline to clock in and out every day will always translate into the future as demands on life increase.

Developing the discipline to work ahead often allows for me to work within creative moments I have rather than trying to force them.

The past couple weeks I’ve had several guest posts shared on other blogs. Each post took weeks to develop as ideas slowly came down onto the page.

Rather than all of you missing out on engaging with some the things that have been stirring within me the past few weeks I thought I’d share bits of each of those.

My friend Ross Gale is hosting a blog series on creativity all summer long. I highly recommend it. My installment within the series focuses on how I overcome the blank page. As a writer and a blogger I spend a lot of time watching a blinking cursor on my computer screen, but eventually something beautiful comes from it. What happens?

Somewhere in the midst of the blinking cursor and my rising pulse I have a moment of clarity when I realize I’m incapable. I cannot do this creation on my own. I do not have the ability. My own worldview informs me that it is the God inside of me who begins His inspiring work once I’m able to get my own arrogant agenda out of the way. Why must I learn this lesson over and over I wonder?

Last Sunday was Father’s Day so I spent a good amount of time processing through some the important lessons my dad has taught me over the years. Looking back, my dad and I have spent more time on the golf course together than anywhere else. Here’s one of the lessons I’ve learned from him on the course (read the rest of those lessons here):

In golf the moment you start thinking about how low your score is or how well you’re playing, is likely the same moment everything falls a part. I firmly believe golf is as much a mental game as it is a physical game and most of that has to do with how our brains want to focus on the big picture but the only way to consistently play good is to focus on each shot.

Life isn’t much different because it’s so easy to get bogged down in the massive amount of things we would need to do to become successful or to change our lives. The only way to change is by taking a single step. Focus on each step, not the overall picture.

And lastly I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how Millennials (myself included) and everyone’s favorite acronym YOLO. As the largest generation in the American workforce in mass, what are some of the characteristics specific to Millennials that other generations should be mindful of, including YOLO? What should Millennials be looking for in a job?

As Millennials enter into the workforce in mass and begin to influence our culture and world in greater ways, many are realizing the importance of understanding what makes Millennials tick will be greatly important for organizations and leaders.

What we see in the YOLO mindset of Millennials is that relationships and experiences ultimately drive them.

Like all human beings, Millennials want to achieve success and they desire to pursue significance with their lives, but both success and significance are understood primarily through relationships developed and experiences lived.

Have a good weekend friends.