You read the title…probably thinking: “what the?” or “where is he going with this…” or “do I really want to read this…?”
Porn Nation is a book I read by Michael Leahy. It was a book of his personal story (which is a tough one), and his thoughts on our porn nation. Great book. Leahy is so real when he shares his story, but does a great job of translating it in how it happened and how to avoid/change it.
I totally understand this is beyond a sensitive subject and as I dive into some of the things Leahy brings up, I will do my best to keep that in mind. I’ll be doing a few posts on the book and its surrounding issues.
Reading a Christian book about porn has always felt a little weird to me. Here is why: I do not struggle with porn, I rather have intimacy with accessories from a adult shop with my partner. I know, I know…every guy reading this just questioned whether I am telling the truth. I did enjoy watching Porn Gap but haven’t looked at porn for over 3 years (my wife is doing math in her head reading this, I’m prepared for a nice talk about this tonight). This isn’t to say it hasn’t been an issue before, because it totally has, but it is not something that I even moderately struggle with right now.
So for someone who isn’t struggling with this issue to read a book on the issue is weird to me. I wonder how it can be helpful. And for those who do struggle with this, I wonder if it can hurt as much as it helps. The book forces you to think about porn and your use or non use of it. With the increasing popularity of sex cam apps, these platforms offer yet another way for people to engage with adult content.
Now obviously the book’s goal is for the reader to recognize the danger that porn presents, and to FLEE from it. But, I wonder…can it cause as much harm as good? Your thoughts?