That is funny play on words for my post that is really just about what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. If it makes no sense to you, that is OK, cause I’m not sure it makes sense to me either. And so the list begins…this year I am thankful for…
- My amazing wife.
- My amazing wife that works 3 jobs.
- My amazing wife that still packs me a lunch and makes me dinner while working 3 jobs.
- A job that stretches me and fits my giftings.
- A school that challenges me so much.
- Food in the fridge.
- The fact that both my wife and I have jobs.
- A bike to ride to work.
- People who actually enjoy reading what I write.
- My sister’s who are so extremely busy and can’t join us for Thanksgiving.
- A month-long break from my studies in less than 3 weeks.
- That my brother made the freshman basketball team at my old high school.
- Being a citizen of the greatest King and greatest country at the same time.
- Making new friendships with guys my age.
- Having great relationships with my family and Rose’s family.
- My Macbook.
- That the Vikings and Huskers are both having respectable seasons (hasn’t happened in a while).
What is at the top of your list?