8 weeks. Portland. No rain. Looks like the beautiful run might come to an end Sunday though.
My in laws are in town this weekend for my father in law’s 40 year HS reunion. This time he and his old touring band are getting back together for a trip down memory lane. Read this newspaper story from Corvallis all about it.
It’s a banner week of links, lots of great stuff I read this week.
- This was funny and true from Adam on the phases of writing. I find myself at stage 3 quite often.
- As someone who grew up in a pastor’s home and now works at a church, this post broke my heart because it is so true. “Death by Ministry” from Eugene Cho.
- Great summary of the evangelical landscape we find ourselves in.
- 3 cultural trends impacting church leadership.
- First I read this great piece on the Ground Zero “Mosque” and appreciated its fact checking.
- Then I read this piece on the same subject from a college prof and appreciated his thoroughness.
- Then I saw this piece on the same subject and laughed.
- It is interesting how politics can meet sports sometimes.
- This year’s freshman class in college is a great example of how our younger generations are moving away from email because it is too slow.
- This was the sunset I watched on my run earlier this week. It was amazing.
- Great example of how we often think the worst of others in social media.
- Sure, Rex Ryan is a great NFL coach, but the guy is a disaster when it comes to doing things the right way.
Feel free to comment with thoughts on any of the links.
Have a great weekend.