Last night I drove by my watershed moment.
It happened 5 years ago this week.
Driving from Anaheim to Salem (a 14 hour trip usually) with my then girlfriend, I was 30 minutes from home at 4am when I fell asleep behind the wheel.
I woke up driving through a construction zone hitting pylon after pylon of orange road barriers, only to swerve back onto the road missing a cement guard rail by a couple feet.
Those couple feet saved my life.
Little did I know how much my life would change immediately after that event. It served as a quick reminder that my life was beyond fragile and I was wasting it.
I was wasting it in a horrible relationship where I had made tons of mistakes. It was the kind of relationship that I conveniently leave out of my story quite often.
We broke up 2 weeks later and soon after that I started hanging out with the girl who would become my wife.
I never knew it standing on the side of I-5 cussing up a storm over the wrecked car before the sun had come up in late August of 2005, but God had thrust himself into my story.
Instead of hitting the cement guardrail, I was given a second chance, and those aren’t worth giving up.
I listened to this song as I drove by that watershed spot (Exit 238 on I-5 North, just north of Albany, Oregon) last night. It was one of those divine moments when it all clicked about what had truly happened back in 2005.
(come watch the video here RSS readers)
Here’s the chorus that struck me last night:
All this time like a vagabond
A homeless stranger, I’ve been wandering
All my life You’ve been calling me to a home
You know I’ve been needing, I’m a broken stone
So lay me in the house You’re building
I think what truly happened that morning in 2005 was more than me just getting out of a bad relationship, it was about God calling me into what He wanted to do.
I only wished I would have listened more closely to Him so I could have avoided the freak car crash.