The Three

1. I spent much of the past week in Colorado with a bunch of family for my cousin’s wedding. Some of the best scenery in the world is up in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Here’s a couple pictures I took from the plane flying over the Grand Canyon at sunset, the view I woke up to each morning, and the wedding.

2. Eugene Cho is one of my favorite blogging pastors. A few years ago he started an organization named One Day’s Wages. Anytime I’m looking to support an area of the world that needs help I go to One Day’s Wages first to see how I can partner with them and the other organizations they support.

This week he wrote about the difficult process it was to get rid of so many possessions his family had in order to start ODW. His family put together one year’s worth of their wages to donate before they launched ODW. Truly amazing. Check out his post: A Lifestyle of Enough.

He ends with a quote from Chesterson that is so great…”There are two ways to get enough: one is to continue to accumulate more & more. The other is to desire less.”

3. We could spend a lot of time arguing about the greatest song of all time. I’ll put my vote for “So What” by Miles Davis. I came across this creative video set to the song. Check it out.

Happy Friday.