All throughout our lives the question, “Lord what would you have me do?” is continually asked. This question is asked of life’s biggest and smallest steps, but the answer is often difficult to come by.
Whether deciding on a career, a college degree program, a marriage, a place to live, or who to share a meal with next Friday night, life is chock-full of questions needing God’s help and direction.
Despite having found a career, a wife, and a home, I still find myself asking the question “Lord, what would you have me do?” nearly every day. It’s a question I can’t seem to run away from. And as I’ve read the Scriptures, it seems this question is meant to linger deep within my soul, asking the God who calls what He might have me do moment by moment.
As I’ve shared with others about my personal struggles on God’s calling, I realized these are questions nearly everyone has wrestled with and are wrestling with. And as I’ve considered how I could come around helping others process their own questions, the idea for this three-part series on vocation and calling came to fruition.
Part One: the blog series
A blog series, featuring eleven different writers, far more capable than myself, sharing their own thoughts and perspective, theologically, biblically, and personally, on the intersection of vocation and calling. The schedule for this series is on the bottom of this post. It starts next week.
Part Two: the ebook
Rather than making you wait weeks to read all of these posts, we’ve put together a compilation ebook of all the posts. You can download it today, for free. We aren’t even asking for your email address. No strings attached. Just a bunch of writers looking to bless, challenge, and encourage you. Here’s the formats that you can download the book:
Part Three: a one-night event on vocation and calling
I’ve met with several community leaders in my area over the past few months and have been greatly encouraged by my conversations with them. And even better, they’ve all agreed to come out for a one-night event, in Salem, Oregon, in a couple weeks.
The event is free. You don’t want to miss it. For all the details, head to the Facebook event page. Here’s the basic details:
When: Tuesday night, April 28th.
Time: 7pm
Where: New Harvest Church (4290 Portland Rd. NE, Salem, OR 97301)
Speakers: Sam Baker (Corban University), Ron Marrs (Western Seminary), Tiffany Bulgin (Ike Box and Isaac’s Room), Chad Harvey (Paramount Real Estate and Salem Missional Communities).
The Blog Series Schedule
April 21st The Two Pitfalls of a Calling From God — Tyler Braun
April 23rd Form and Function — Hannah Anderson
April 27th The Playground Parable — Natasha Metzler
April 29th Confronting the Chaos — Brett McCracken
May 1st By Design — Lore Ferguson
May 5th An Incarnational Call — Ryan J. Pemberton
May 7th Vocation in Stages — Kyle Reed
May 11th Your Will Be Done — Arleen Spenceley
May 13th Calling is a Verb — Cara Strickland
May 15th When You Aren’t Gifted, God Equips the Called — Jonathan Pearson
May 19th On (A)vocation — Jenelle D’Alessandro
May 21st A Prayer for the Work of God and Humanity — Paul J. Pastor
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