What a year, right?!? I don’t know that any of us would choose to run that one back, but I did manage to find some redeeming pieces of the year. Here are some of my favorite things from 2020.
Best Songs of 2020
1. exile by Taylor Swift (feat. Bon Iver)
2. Sunday Morning by Tyson Motsenbocker
3. Citizens by Jon Guerra
4. You Bring the Morning by Andy Squyres
5. Lightning by Pat Barrett and Harolddd
You can listen to my playlist of all the best songs 2020 on Spotify!
Best Books of 2020
For a variety of reasons my reading output has fallen off dramatically this year, so I’m not going to list off these books in order, but these three books stand above the rest of my favorite reads in 2020.
Reading While Black by Esau McCaulley
Though I did read several books on race, faith, and America, McCaulley’s book was especially helpful in learning how to better consider how a black individual might approach the Bible. His insight on the Gospel of Luke, written by a Gentile, was especially helpful.
Handle with Care by Lore Ferguson Wilbert
Lore is first and foremost a wonderful writer. She could probably write on anything related to the Christian life and it would be worth reading.
The Care of Souls by Harold Senkbeil
Though this was released last year, I actually read it this year. Senkbeil wrote this primarily for faith leaders, but I think all followers of Jesus should consider how their lives are impacting others. This was not only nourishing for my soul, it also helped me reflect on how my life can positively shepherd others.
Best Shows of 2020
1. The Queen’s Gambit (Netflix)
I expected this to somehow fall off the rails, but it actually came across as truthful and fun, at the same time. A hard feat to accomplish in 2020.
2. The Crown (Netflix)
I thought season 3 had more standout episodes than season 4 (this year’s newly released season), and clearly season 4 was noticeably darker with its focus on Princess Diana, but I still find the show especially thoughtful and poignant.
3. Better Call Saul (AMC)
Vince Gilligan, the creator of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad, has mastered the anti-hero genre. The “Bagman” episode was probably my favorite episode of the year.
Best Albums of 2020
Jon Guerra “Keeper of Days”
What a thrill to interview him for my podcast around this release. This is a special project.
Taylor Swift “Folklore”
I should probably include “Evermore” here as well and if the two albums were one we’d be talking about these for a long time. Incredible work.
Steffany Gretzinger “Forever Amen”
I have not seen enough people talking about this album. So wonderful.
Tyson Motsenbocker “Someday I’ll Make It All Up To You”
Song after song of great music. How are more people not listening to him? I don’t get it.
Fleet Foxes “Shore”
This has been on repeat since it’s release.
The War of Drugs “Live Drugs”
A live album from my favorite band? Say no more.
John Mark McMillan “Peopled With Dreams”
Easy to forget this was a 2020 release since it was pre-Covid. JMM is a wonderful artist.
Kinnship “Commensality”
Great vibe.
Quite often I include my favorite podcasts and movies, but to be honest 2020 wiped those nearly off my radar. Many of the routines I had that enabled podcast listening and movie watching were wiped out. So get in touch with me with a comment or hit me on Twitter/Instagram with what I missed out on!