Fortuitous Bouncing

I calculated how many hours since this past Sunday I had either been doing homework, spending time in class, or working and it confirmed just how long of a week it was. Over 75 hours in 6 days. Needless to say, there was a reason I didn’t blog as much last week. One more week of class left and then life slows down a bit.

Rose has been gone for over 2 weeks now, I’ll be glad when she gets back, for sure.


  1. This Puritan Prayer is one of my favorites and always a good reminder.
  2. Wonderful post from Wess on the oil spill and “the wounding of creation.” Definitely poignant.
  3. An Open Letter to Contemporary Christian Music.
  4. Sunday, Bloody Sunday and Telling the Truth. Interesting article written from the perspective of a Northern Islander.
  5. Great advice. 7 things a pastor is doing to simplify his life.
  6. The top 10 signs of a dying church.


God, save us from these comforts.