Fortuitous Bouncing

Now that I’ve turned in my post course papers for my summer course, I am officially free from seminary for one month. I try to avoid places in life where I’m not learning so naturally I started looking through my book library to see what I had stashed away to read…nothing. There was nothing. So last night I went to Powell’s and picked up a couple books to read on vacation and during my break. One by Tozer, one by Packer. I always think, better to read something that has stood the test of time, than the latest book hot off the press.

By the way, it has now not rained for over 5 weeks in Portland.


  1. Interesting post on good preaching really being about failure. I liked the post a lot more than I thought I would when I started reading.
  2. Did you hear Anne Rice is quitting Christianity? I thought Scot McKnight had a good summary and opinion on the whole thing.
  3. Great post from Mandy on worship leaders being led by the congregation.
  4. Brad Lomenick nails it with his post on what’s in and out in the area of leadership.
  5. One problem with my generation is that we’re often driven by a consumeristic compassion.
  6. Is social media really social?
  7. Great article in the latest CT issue from John Ortberg on the corporate aspect of the Christian faith.
  8. This is long but I was truly blessed by it earlier in the week. What we need in our churches more than anything else? Jesus.

