Fortuitous Bouncing: Chicago Version

So much to talk about. I’ll spend the next few weeks to write some posts on the breakout sessions and final main sessions of the past few days. Just more than 24 hours ago, I was right here.

That is still so surreal to me (as a huge sports fan) I can’t put it into words.

I am so blessed to have been able to go to the conference this week. I learned so much it is crazy. My brain is in love with me because I’ve used it all week. It was like being in seminary classes that are fun all day long for 3 days in a row. Thanks to Sunset and the worship department for allowing me to go, I hope it is something that I will continue to stretch me and hopefully I can go again.

Thoughts on Chicago

  • I said it before but it must be said again. The midwest is SO FLAT. Being back in Portland made me so thankful for hills and mountains. I had no sense of direction or distance in Chicago because there is nothing to see but sky or buildings.
  • After 3 days of humidity…I’m glad to be in Portland. While it was nice to be warm, it got old to be sticky.
  • Thunderstorms and snow is what I miss out on in Oregon. We don’t really get either of those in Portland.
  • I even read blogs while I was gone, but I still came home to this. I have no idea how to catch up.