Summer has finally arrived in Portland. It took forever to get here, but better late than never.
Despite the many negative reports, I was very pleased with the Timberwolves’ draft on Thursday night. I thought they made great decisions and great trades.
Go USA Soccer! So far we’ve stolen the World Cup showcase. Hope that happens again today.
- A Relevant Magazine article on The Mentoring Project and the fatherless titled, “Fatherless Day.”
- Josh builds on my thoughts of life being fragile with this post on life being a limited thing.
- Fatherhood: The Best Job in the World.
- I’m an Apple fan, but this kind of customer service is nothing short of an absolute joke. One of the beginning rules of customer service is to treat the customer with respect. Give me a break Steve Jobs.
- 50 great Twitter tips from Chris Brogan. He knows his stuff.
- An Ohio woman ran 11 marathons in 11 days. The most amazing part of it: she ran it all on a track. 99 laps each day = torture.
- Obama has completely unfavorable ratings on every major challenge he has faced in the past 6 months. The whole re-election thing isn’t looking too good for him.
- We’re singing this song Sunday and allowing for a time of confession. It’s going to be a special moment. Hope this truth can sink in for you (video here RSS readers):
Grace and peace.