Fortuitous Bouncing

Earlier this week Portland got an incredible rainstorm for PNW standards. It rained (not just any rain, a pouring rain) for 45 straight hours. It was quite miserable if you ask me.

My entire church has been and will continue to pray for Sam Day and his family. He’s a young boy who has endured so much and it was great to see a Portland newspaper pick up the story of what his school did this week with him. I have heard news that his operation yesterday went well.


  1. Being authentic doesn’t mean ‘bleeding’ all over your congregation.” I think sometimes the pursuit of authenticity is a pride issue of wanting people to know how sinful you are, and in turn how Godly you are because you can share it.
  2. Did you hear about the Rob Bell fiasco over the past week? Well I have no desire at all to talk about it on this blog, but I do highly recommend John Dyer’s post about it all. If the medium is the message we have some issues he brings us.
  3. Love this post from Tim Keller on how to preach about hell in today’s world. He summarizes a common mindset of God’s love like this: “In our effort to make God more loving, we have made God less loving. His love, in the end, needed to take no action. It was sentimentality, not love at all. The worship of a God like this will be impersonal, cognitive, and ethical. There will be no joyful self-abandonment, no humble boldness, no constant sense of wonder.”
  4. Chris Brogan has a great eye on the future in this post on the future of community.
  5. Came across an interview with Bono discussing the Bible, Jesus, and grace. I was surprised, the guy really knows his stuff.


Enjoy your weekend.