Ever heard the word “missional”? I’d call it a buzz word in Christianity today. All the phrases of “missional church” or “being on mission” all are within the same vein. In reality, it is a concept that resonates with me, but I don’t like how overused it gets.
As I’ve written about before, I’m currently reading The Gospel in a Pluralist Society by Lesslie Newbigin. He wrote about this idea of “being on mission” back in 1989, long before it was the latest way to describe how churches were operating. And I believe his words are of great exhortation and encouragement for us:
“To repent is to do the U-turn of the mind which enables you to believe what is hidden from sight, the reality of the presence of the reign of God in the crucified Jesus. To be baptized is to be identified with, incorporated into that which Jesus did when he went down into the waters of the Jordan as one of a company of sin-burdened men and women and so inaugurated a mission which would lead him through his great encounter with the principalities and powers to its victorious climax in the cross. To be baptized is to be incorporated into the dying of Jesus as to become a participant in his risen life, and so to share in his ongoing mission to the world. It is to be baptized into his mission” (page 117, emphasis mine).
This mission is for you and me.