The Three: Writing Edition

1. A couple weeks back I wrote a guest post for Jeff Goins on how I found the time to write a book in the midst of everything else I had going on in life. It’s the thing #1 people asked me while I was writing the manuscript, and honestly I even surprised myself by being able to do it. I hope some of the pieces of advice in there are helpful for you.

I work full time at a job that doesn’t give me time to write or spend time doing research. I also go to school for a full day of classes each week, plus homework.

In the midst of writing a full manuscript, giving my job my full attention, and focusing on school, I also have a wife who wouldn’t exactly be thrilled if I disappeared for five months.

But now I’m on the other side of all this. I did it. I wrote the full manuscript when I seemingly had no time to do so. This raises the question:

How do you write a book when you don’t have time?

2. John Saddington is what I’ll call a new media mogul. He was on top of blogging before blogging blew up. He was on top of Twitter before it blew up. He’s helped plenty of people reach a new level of success, all without a fancy title and without working for a large organization. He’s done it simply by serving people with the gifts he has. Last week he wrote on a subject he has plenty of experience with: online publishing. Here’s some advice John has for writing online:

1. Determine Focus, Niche

The first one is obvious and crucial for any blog, especially in the beginning. I have a few posts already that can give some more weight and context but the key was working through them and refining them with others during the evening.

What I challenged the group with was to “go deep” and then later “go wide” as you prove the concept of your blog and gain traction.

3. If you don’t know the name Jon Acuff, spend the next 15 minutes of free time perusing his various online writing spaces. I’d imagine many of you are familiar with Jon and his incredible writing skills. Honestly, when I read Jon’s stuff I wonder what business I have writing a book because he’s that good.

Recently he shared 10 lessons he learned while writing his 4th book. Up above I shared lessons I learned as I was writing my 1st book, so really just ignore that one and read this instead because this is 4x as valuable.

1. Your best ideas come when you’ve walked away from the writing for a minute. The title, the structure, and the core of the book surprised me in the parking lot of the building I was writing in as I drove home. Not at my desk.

2. You have to write each book like it’s the last one you’ll ever write, because one day it will be.

To those of you writing, I hope these posts are helpful and beneficial for you.

Many blessings to all of you, especially those of you toiling away at writing every day.

Grace and Peace.