Holy Week During a Pandemic Crisis

I realized recently I haven’t posted anything on here over the past few weeks. They have been the craziest weeks of my life as a pastor. Though boredom may be the greatest struggle for some, I’m sure many of you are just trying to keep your head above water while adjusting to this new reality of social distancing and economic collapse.

Holy Week will look different this year. Church buildings will be empty. Easter Egg Hunts will happen only in backyards and houses. But I do believe God is still at work in mighty ways. So I wanted to share a few things I’m involved with in hopes that they may allow you to enter into the death and resurrection of Christ despite living in isolation.

  • For the past few years I’ve organized a prayer journey through the events of Holy Week for people to walk through at my church. Obviously we’ve had to cancel that this year, but in its place the prayer journey will be happening online in cinematic form. You can watch on YouTube and Facebook this Wednesday at 7pm PST. Watch a short promo video about it below:
  • Ever since the implications of this pandemic hit hard in my home state of Oregon I’ve been releasing a new podcast episode every weekday, Monday through Friday. They’re only 5-10 minutes long, with the hope of allowing the Good News to be greater than the Headline News in our lives. Listen on: Apple Podcasts || Spotify || Google Podcasts || Overcast
  • My church has been intentionally analog in the past, but with people forced into isolation, we’ve quickly jumped to live stream gatherings. If you are looking for a church to connect with and a place to find hope in dark times, join us on Sundays at 10am PST on YouTube and Facebook.
  • Lastly, be sure to check out the #JesusChangedMyLife movement started by Reality in Los Angeles. What a great way to proclaim the Good News to many leading into Easter.

Many blessings to you during this difficult time. May the Lord sustain us as we lean on Him.