After going another 4.5 months without a haircut I told Rose I’d chop off a bit again yesterday. She definitely didn’t see that coming. $30 later, I now have shorter hair. Not sure if it was worth it, but the wife is happier and I know that is a good thing.
Anybody else think The Amazing Race was pretty anticlimactic? I am glad that Tammy and Victor beat the other 2 teams though. They deserved to win.
- A rant on sermons worth reading written by Aaron Ghiloni.
- Rhett Smith has a thought provoking series on suburban spiritually.
- Interesting post on a look into one seminary from the perspective of a woman (fyi- this is not a post about the seminary I attend).
- So you want to go to seminary...a great post on some advice.
- This quote from Mother Theresa had a bit of a bite to it.
- A seminary classmate of mine brings some clarity to what relevance means to the church today.
- Ric Wild shares some thoughts on bridging the gap between contemporary and traditional worship music.
- Why right brainers will rule society in the next century. Crap…I’m a left brainer.
- Some crazy photo manipulations done with Photoshop. Incredible.
- How to grow your blog.
- The winner of the best job in the world (far more qualified than me).
- I bet this never happened at your college library (give it a couple minutes):
- [youtube=]
Have a great weekend!