Fortuitous Bouncing

About the only thing to talk about in Oregon this week was the Civil War, annual Oregon vs. Oregon State football game. This year was easily the biggest game ever because whoever won would go to the Rose Bowl. I’m from Oregon, but I didn’t care much who won the game.

What I do care about is tonight’s game with Nebraska playing in the Big 12 Championship against Texas. I have no expectations of them winning, but I’ll be rooting hard for them. I have my lucky Nebraska Pez dispenser on my side.

There’s a chance of snow today in Portland, but since even Houston got snow yesterday, I won’t make a big deal about it.


  1. NT Wright has some very poignant thoughts on social media and blogging. We would all do well to heed some of his advice.
  2. Spending less on food and more on health care.
  3. This post from my favorite Quaker blogger helped me get into the Christmas season.
  4. One of my favorite tweets (@hardlynormal on twitter) made the frontpage of earlier this week for this article they ran.
  5. A helpful perspective on all this news about Tiger Woods.
  6. Leave it to Los to know just how to put it.


Go Huskers!