In but Not Of .1

I think a big dilemma Christians face is the principle of being in the world but not of the world. Every Christian seems to deal with this differently. Although I’m sure none of us think about it all the time, it effects so many decisions we make on a daily basis. I won’t be the…

Rip City

I was looking at Google Trends. A google app that allows you to choose words and look at the trends of how often people search for a word and where they do it from. So I typed in “emerging church” and it was a little weird…it shows that most searches for this word occurred in…

The Coffeshop Generation

I originally wrote this 2 years ago, but I think it will work well as my first blog posting. I took a class my freshman year called Christian Discipleship, and it basically turned into a class on the post-modern church. For those of you who don’t know this is basically a fancy word for how…