The television show Friends remains one of the most watched shows ever on television. Running for 238 episodes over 10 full seasons the show is one of the few over recent history to have such longevity. I’ve often wondered what sets apart certain television shows from the other. What made Friends such a raving success…
All posts tagged community
My Selfish Church
I had to work on New Year’s Day morning a little over a week ago. It was a Sunday this year so we gathered as a church to worship, celebrate Communion, and to be challenged by God’s Word. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how I view church and how important the community of…
Worship as Musical Excellence
As someone who spends a majority of my week working with music and worship teams at a local church, I’m in a constant battle to value community over excellence. This isn’t to say that excellence in music for the sake of communal worship doesn’t have a place, it’s just never my end goal. The church…
Using People To Do Ministry
When I started working with the student ministry worship team 2 years ago I walked into a ministry of overused student volunteers. What I mean by that is the team worked together to help produce 2 programs every week, both middle school and high school. They had little experience with being a part of a…
How Fast Food Changed the Church
Long before I was born, there was a time when eating a meal involved shared space between people. Even if a grocery store was a short drive away, cooking and other meal preparation activities were involved in putting together something for a group of people to eat. This all changed in the 1960s with the…
Why Are You At Your Church?
I was talking with a group on the worship team and I asked: “Why did you choose this church or why are you staying at this church?” The question is essentially asking, “What about church is most important to you?” For the non-church person, the question becomes, “why go to church?” or “what about church…