As sex has become a commonplace subject within pop culture, whether it be television, movies, music, or mere conversation, it has led many toward an acceptance of sexual activity outside of God’s design. In response we often ignore sex, pushing it away, thinking of the potential damage it can cause. Lost in this, is that…
All posts tagged sex
Drowning in the Stain: Sexualized Swiping and Hook-Up Culture
In the year 2000, award-winning American novelist Philip Roth published a book titled The Human Stain. The book is a loose continuation of 2 prior books, whose main character follows significant cultural events during his lifetime. The Human Stain follows a college professor named Coleman Silk. Coleman is a fair-skinned black man, who decided in…
Why Discipleship Matters
Today’s post from Natasha Metzler is the ending of the blog series Discipleship: Re-Imagining Our Calling From Christ. I hope this has been life giving for you. I’ll write a follow up post to the series next week. Engage with the writers and community of readers using the hashtag #DiscipleshipBlog. — She had two children by the time she…
In Dating Relationships, Are Boundaries Enough?
I spend a lot of time with men and women who are in dating relationships and who spend a lot of time on many a discreet dating site. Once a new dating relationship begins I usually cut to the chase and find out if they have any boundaries in mind for the physical part of…
Virginity is Valuable
It’s all the rage these days to blog about purity and virginity. Here’s a quick summary of some of the posts in the last 10 days that have been written on the subject. Sarah from BC wrote: Virginity isn’t a guarantee of healthy sexuality or marriage. You don’t have to consign your sexuality to the…