Wii Weekend

I had a pretty busy weekend. Was not able to get near as much homework done as I needed to. I guess that is what Monday’s are for, but I have a busy Monday too………..crap.

Friday, Ross and I got together over coffee after my last class of the day. We are great friends from all the way back in 8th grade.

Saturday night I had the opportunity to be a part of the first annual Wiilympics. Ben Porter was the host and he flat out dominated, but he said that the host couldn’t win (or his wife did). Ben also made this awesome trophy (picture below). And yes, that is a real cup…youth large. It was my first time ever playing on a Wii…I’m not that good. I was in 4th place out of 8 guys before I had to leave for an early morning.

Sundays, I get up at 5:30am to get to church by 6:30am in time for run through at 7am. Today we had 30 baptisms between the 2 services and things went really well. I led “Jesus Paid it All” which is one of my absolute favorite songs. And the baptisms were so moving, especially with so many young people announcing their belief in Jesus.

It was a great weekend and the weather was actually good too.

How was yours?