Breaking the Barrier

Easily the most difficult part of my job is trying to bridge the gap between stage and congregation. Having a large sanctuary (holds 2,500 when it’s finished) makes this more difficult. Anytime you have that many seats it immediately makes you feel disengaged from what is happening on stage. So I struggle constantly with how to break down that barrier.

This past weekend was conscience effort to break the barrier. We went with keys, acoustic guitar, drums, and a vocalist. Luckily I (acoustic guitar) and Jill (keys) can sing. So we had 3 instruments and 3 vocalists. Very scaled back from a usual weekend. Beyond that, we took some time in the service for each of us to share. No longer were we just musicians who sing and play. We were real people with real struggles. I hope our goal was reached. The theme of the day was finding peace in conflict. Each of us shared from our lives.

My part begins at about 4:10.

(video embedded RSS readers)


I know many worship pastors and church attenders read this blog…

How does your church try to break down the barrier between stage and congregation?

(please don’t say authenticity…i’m tired of hearing that word in relation to this subject)

Creative Chaos @ the Soul. Watercooler Wednesdays @ Ethos.