Porn Nation .3

Part One: The Danger of Reading About Porn

Part Two: Statistics and Sexual Addiction

Porn Nation author, Michael Leahy has been on a tour of college campuses for much of the past few years, telling his story. His story is one that hits rock bottom; it is a sad story. Even now as he has turned his life around, he pays for his past mistakes. My goal for these posts was that maybe someone affected by these problems would be able to avoid rock bottom.

He ends the book saying this (emphasis mine):

“The dictionary describes an icon as a person regarded as a symbol of something. Being regarded as a sports icon would be rather flattering; an icon for porn and sex addiction, less so. But as a spokesperson for sex addicts, I accept that-to a degree- that’s exactly what I am: my life a symbol for the roughly 15 million adults who struggle with addiction to sex and pornography. But my story-beginning with a mildly erotic deck of playing cards and moving up to high-speed cyber-porn and then on to voyeurism, an affair, and then divorce-may also serve as a picture of analogy of our society on its sexual journey. As it’s an analogy and not a prophecy, who can say if our culture as a whole will end up as I did, addicted to sex. But it could. Prophecies must be fulfilled, but analogies only need to instruct. As actions are taken, outcomes can always change. But if actions are taken I don’t see how the truth of our story, where I become a sex symbol of a different sort for our entire culture instead of just 15 million of its members.”