It is a foggy day in Juneau. We have a 4 hour layover. So what do you do in a small town like Juneau? You walk from the airport to downtown to find a coffee shop. Of course, in Alaska, that coffee shop has dial up wireless. It takes 5 minutes to load email and such. It is so much fun………….NOT!
Things to note about “AK” (that is what locals call their state) as I arrive here:
- Everyone fishes as often as they can in the summer.
- You can see your breath year round.
- Everything opens at 10am.
- You are dressed up if you wear Carrharts to church.
- Women spit and hawk loogies (that one was from Rose, I wouldn’t know)
- People eat salmon for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.
- If you don’t know how to pronounce names like Ketchekan, Yakutat, Kenai, or Ninilchik then people know you are a tourist.
- Most people drive trucks not cars.
What do you know about Alaska?