This letter was part of an assignment for one of my classes. This letter isn’t supposed to be focused around any systematic theology. Nor is it meant to be an accurate description of who God is and what he might say to you. It is just what I felt God saying to me as I wrote it.
Dear Tyler,
Isn’t it funny how your entire life I’ve been guiding your every step and yet few times you recognize it as being me doing so? Maybe that isn’t so funny; maybe it’s more ironic. I know you see me in the best and worst parts of life, yet I know that you could see me so much more often. I long for you to see all the ways I try to reveal myself to you.
The day you decided to start going to seminary and pursue working for my church was one of my most proud moments for you. A lot of the first twenty-two years of your life culminated in that event, and if you look back you can see those small traces that led to that day. I want to encourage you to put in time, energy, and devotion to your seminary studies because they will help you for the rest of your life. It is these studies that are going to prepare you to declare my good news boldly throughout your life. I have many great things in store for your life. I plan to use you to expand my kingdom on this earth.
I remember the first time you led a time of worship back in high school. You were scared out of your mind. Not sure how to pray in front of people, not sure what to say between songs, not sure if you should lift your hands, not sure if you should sing with your eyes open or closed, and unwilling to let me lead within you. It would be so great to see you stop worrying about those things today, and let me lead within you. You do a good job of showing people you don’t worry about all those kinds of things, but I know you do. Christians today want to worry about those things, but I hope you learn more and more that a time of worship is sacrificing yourself to what I have for you in that moment.
I’ve been reading your blog and have noticed you talk a lot about politics, serving the least of these (something I said a long time ago, I never meant for it to become the cool thing to do thousands of years later), and creating a community of believers. I think it is great that you care about all three of those things, especially since the world around you cares about those things as well. My problem is that I know how you live your life, and your life does not seem to care about those things. Sure your writing and your words say you do, but I don’t care as much about those things as I do care about you doing something about those things, with me behind that. There have been many seminary students who aspire to do great things but get lost in striving for pastoral success that leaves me out of the picture. Keep your eyes on me and the rest will take care of itself.
I’ve given you my word to help instruct you and guide you. It is been wonderful to see you enjoy reading more often. I worry that you enjoy reading other books more than my word though. The godliest of men are those who meditate on my word day and night. Please do the same.
My dear son, thank you for taking time to read what I have to tell you. It means more than you will ever know.